it's only rock'n'roll but I like it... [Retrospective 1979-2019] (2019)
by Wendy McDougall

The Music Photography of Wendy McDougall - it's only rock'n'roll but I like it... Cover

This book was assembled after an identically-titled exhibition of her photos was held in April and May of 2019 (in Sydney and Melbourne). A photo from The Church's Heyday (1986) cover shoot was featured in the exhibit and in this book. It is a slightly different photo from the one used on the album cover. Also featured in the book is a montage of Steve Kilbey portraits, which was also used on the cover of No Certainty Attached: Steve Kilbey and The Church by Robert Dean Lurie (2009).

The Church content in The Music Photography of Wendy McDougall

Write-up from the Publisher

In 1979, Wendy sold her first photo to one of the biggest bands in Australia, The Angels, and ever since has caught and framed unforgettable pictures of local music legends like INXS, Cold Chisel,Paul Kelly, Richard Clapton, Wendy Matthews, Noiseworks, Diesel, Jeff Duff, GANGgajang, Ross Wilson, Don Walker, Mental as Anything and Melinda Schneider, alongside visiting international stars like Tom Jones, Bono and Mick Jagger.

Wendy's music photography has explored creative paths, moving from vivid live shots that capture fleeting onstage moments of magic to more visually-sophisticated productions that pay homage to art movements like surrealism. Yet always inWendy's work there is an ever-present sense of humour and play, as well as a dedicated commitment to open collaboration with those she photographs.

Tickle your memories with 'it's only rock'n'roll but I like it...'



Wendy is selling copes of this book through her website and on eBay.

Visit the Wendy McDougall website at


The Music Photography of Wendy McDougall Exhibition Poster

Exhibition Write-up

Canon Australia and SUNSTUDIOS present it's only rock'n'roll but I like it..., an exhibition featuring the work of award-winning photographer Wendy McDougall. In recognition of a 40 year career spent photographing iconic Australian and International musicians, Wendy was the recipient of the inaugural 2018 AWMA (Australian Women in Music Awards) Music Photographer.

The exhibition also includes TV screens, one showing the videos Wendy has worked on over the years and three displaying photographs that aren't displayed on the wall. Riversong Music were thrilled to be a part of the exhibition by editing this short promo of the videos, as well as the slide shows that appear on the other screens.

The exhibition runs from the 3rd to 18th of April [2019] at Sun Studios in Alexandria Sydney and 9th to 24th May at Sun Studios in South Melbourne.

Article about the exhibition at What's My Scene

Wendy McDougall Talks About the Exhibition on The Today Show